Ardha Shalabhasana Health Benefits, Meditation Asana Poses Video Online

What is Ardha Shalabhasana (Pranayama)? What are the health benefits of Ardha Shalabhasana?

The word "Shalabh" means 'locust' and "Ardha" means 'half'. This pose is an easier version of Shalabasana performed with one leg at a time. The final posture resembles a feeding locust, head lowered and tail up.

Benefits of Ardha Shalabhasana include the following:

- It helps improve circulation of blood.
- It firms thighs, hips and buttocks by dissolving excess fat.
- Regular practice of Ardha Shalabhasana can help control diabetes.
- People suffering from constipation should practice this pose for relief.
- Women with ovaries and uterus disorders can benefit from this pose.
- Shalabhasana strengthens the lower back muscles
- It gives flexibility to the back muscles and spine.
- It can strengthen the shoulders and neck muscles.

How to do Ardha Shalabhasana?